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Friday Finds (late) - 6 Christmas Pressies for Fashion Bloggers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I know it isn't for a while but I can't stop thinking about Christmas. I love buying Christmas pressies and my ideal person to buy for would be a fashion blogger. If by chance you don't have any fashion blogger friends or family to buy a pressy for, BSB are running a secret snowflake (a bit like a secret santa) where you send a present and get one in return - I love this idea and will definitely be joining in.

Here are some of my ideas of pressies for a fashion blogger. Sadly none of them fit into the price limit of £7.50 for the secret santa, but don't worry I have another idea for that, it is of course secret though!

1. A subscription to Style Sample Magazine - Although it is available online, I think that sometimes there is nothing better than flicking through some glossy magazine pages. For those who are fed up with so many ads in magazines like Vogue or who just want to indulge their obsession about fashion blogging, this is a great read full of colourful pictures, interesting articles and useful blogging tips.

2. Vintage jewellry - fashion bloggers love accessories and a vintage piece of jewellry makes a unique gift. There are so many place to buy vintage jewellry why not see if there are any vintage fairs being held locally or even look in charity shops. If you haven't got time both Etsy and Urban Outfitters have a good choice.

3. Pretty food - if there is one thing that bloggers love nearly as much as (if not more than) clothes, it is pretty and colourful food. Cupcakes, Macaroons, iced biscuits would all make great fashion blogger pressies, not only can they eat it but also take pictures of it for their blog. If you aren't great in the kitchen or just don't have time Biscuiteers have whole tins of shoe or handbag shaped biscuits or single ones that you can send.
5. Tights and socks- I am a firm believer that you can never have too many tights and socks. Whilst giving socks as a Christmas pressy is a bit of a joke, I love the idea of a variety of coloured, patterned and interesting socks from My Tights and Tabio.

6. A Stylish Handmade Goody - making something definitely requires a little more though than buying something but then that is what Christmas is about, isn't it? Many bloggers like wearing unique and individual stuff and something handmade likely to be different and unique. If you don't know what to make there are plenty of online tutorials to give you some ideas, you could start with Threadbanger.

Would love to hear any more ideas for fashion blogger presseies and also what you will be hoping to get in your stocking (or sock) this year.

Ceri X

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