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Busy Bee Outfits

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I seem to have been ridiculously busy over the last week or two and my poor old blog has become some what neglected. I have also had to cancel going to fashion week again! due to workload, grr. I will definitely be making an effort to say something intelligent or informative over the next week but for now just two outfits for the week (or one of them) that I was busy as a bee.

I made the skirt by cutting down a longer denim skirt. This is worn over People Tree leggings with a very very old top from Dorothy Perkins, I think it is about 10 years old but i don't think it looks at all out of fashion. I got the bag in the sale at Dorothy Perkins last year, the cardigan is by Fenn Wright Manson and the boots by Topshop.

To make a change from wearing my winter coat I decided to wear this Chanel style tweed jacket instead. It was from Marks and Spencers originally but I got it from a local charity shop and have been trying to find the right outfit to wear it with. I find it quite difficult to wear without looking over smart but I thought the denim skirt was a good way to dress it down.

Apologies about the messy dressing table in the photos. I have a new laptop and haven't sorted out the photo editing software yet.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend and finding time to relax

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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