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Climate Week - Cool Outfits Challenge

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kimono Jacket - Ebay
Dress- Marks and Spencers
Belt- Next
Shoes - Topshop

You might have noticed that Friday marks the beginning of Climate Week in the UK . The environment is something that I feel quite strongly about and whilst I am by no means perfect, I try to be responsible and reduce my impact by reducing, reusing and recyling. This extends to my clothes. I know I buy far too many but where possible I choose second hand, vintage and eco fashion.

For climate week I have decided to set myself (and anyone who wants to join in) a little challenge. For the whole of Climate Week (21st -27th March) I plan to theme my posts and outfits around being kind to the environment. These will probably include layered outfits (allowing me to turn down the heating a few degrees), outfits including vintage, second hand and eco fashion and some reviews and news of eco fashion plus any other ideas tips on living sustainably.

If you would like to join in please send over the links to your own Climate week outfits and posts anytime during the week and I will feature them in a round up on Friday 27th (or maybe Saturday 28th). I look forward to seeing how you are joining in with Climate Week. You can also get some ideas on other ways to get involved including events and the official Eley Kishimoto climate week T shirt on the Climate Week website.

Above is a warm up outfit featuring a vintage kimono jacket that I bought on ebay.  I look forward to seeing your outfits and posts.

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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