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My First Trip To TK Maxx and Outfit Making Competitions

Monday, March 14, 2011

On Sunday, I went on my first trip to TK Maxx. I have heard really mixed reviews about TK Maxx ranging from it is like a 'jumble sale' to it is 'amazing'. For some reason I have never managed to make it over to TK Maxx but on Sunday spurred on by talk on Fashion Pearls of Wisdom and Intrinsically Florrie of Luella dresses, I decided it was about time I checked it out. So with Mr Style Eyes and children in tow I trotted off to the Swindon branch. I went with fairly low expectations of buying some practical clothes for camping over the summer, alas I came home with none. I saw a quite nice floral French Connection dress which wasn't particularly cheap but I decided did quite have that something to make it into my already over crowded wardrobe.

I did however get myself a hat. It was just plonked randomly on the end of one of the rails but as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it. The leopard print hat by Dents was just £8 which in my eyes is an amazing price for such a style statement. At first I thought it was quite amusing that I had gone shopping for some practical clothes (of which I have very few) and come home with a random leopard print hat. On second thoughts though, the hat is incredibly practical and will keep me dry in the rain. I rarely carry an umbrella due to the demands of young children and a push chair. I am now looking forward to when it next rains so I can wear my hat!

For those that are already addicted to voting and outfit making on The Shopping Forecast, there are some great competitions running to win lots of clothes from the site. All you have to do is join and make outfits using clothes from the site. You can make a summer outfit of your choice or a themed party outfit for American Independence Day on 4th July (just include 4th July in the title). Just remember to go to 'my outfits' top right of the screen and tick the little box to make your outfits searchable so that others can vote on your outfit. Those with the highest average score (summer outfit) and most votes (July 4th outfit) will each win $300/€250/200 to send on clothes from the site.

If makin outfits isn't you thing you can also join in the seasonal points challenge. You can register and earn points by participating on the site (voting, commenting etc). At the end of the summer season (May 1st ) the top 5 points scorers plus one random person can exchange their points for clothes from the site.   (max £250/€300/$400). You can find out further details on fashion competitions.

Shirt - Next
Dress (old)- Oasis
Leggings - Topshop
Boots - Po-Zu
Elephant Necklace - Etsy

Finally todays outfit. I promised to try something a little different this week from black and white and a pop of colour. I am not sure I like this colour scheme half as much though.

I hope that you are having a good week.

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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