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Outfits For Fairtrade Fortnight

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another busy week! I have been to London twice, which is quite a lot for me as it takes up to 2 hours to get there. I had customer meetings and also an interview for a fashion course that I am hoping to enrol on (more in that if I get offered a place). Despite the fact that I had to look quite smart for both days, I was determined to wear something Fairtrade for Fairtrade fortnight.

When you talk about Fairtrade most people think of food like chocolate, bananas and cocoa. But Fairtrade also applies to clothing and in particular cotton. Fairtrade ensures that everyone involved in the production of  a product gets a fair deal. The choice of Fairtrade clothing available is slowly increasing and it is becoming easier to find Fairtrade clothing to suit different occasions like work / interview wear rather than just the traditional T shirts.

I am particularly impressed with the offerings from People Tree lately. I love the new Emma Watson collection and the Laura Ashley collaboration is amazing. They also have some amazing pieces that utilise local crafts but still look on trend. In fact thumbing through the People Tree catalogue has become a regular pastime for me. For my interview I managed to get this grey jacket and pink skirt in the sale at an amazing price. It is handwoven and really good quality. I also love the ASOS Africa collection, which is ethical and got a lovely skirt from it a while back.

Jacket and skirt - People Tree sale, shoes - Bronx, top - Topshop.

Jacket - as above, top People Tree, Skirt ASOS Africa, shoes - as above, necklace-  a present.

I am also planning to make a big Fairtrade chocolate cake with the girls to celebrate Fairtrade fortnight.

Are you doing anything for Fairtrade fortnight?

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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