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People Tree Bib Necklace and A Red Dress

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I have had this red dress for ages but have always felt that it was lacking something. I got this beaded flower bib necklace from People Tree as an early present from my Mum and Dad and had planned to wear it with a black top or dress but somehow when I tried it on this just didn't seem to do it justice. Then suddenly it dawned on me the dress and the necklace would look great together. The bright colours really make the necklace stand out with its black border and the necklace just makes the dress look a bit more interesting.

Red dress and beaded necklace

bib necklaces

People tree beaded necklace

Dress - Jackpot (really old)
Necklace - People Tree
Shoes - Bronx from Spartoo

What are you wearing today? I hope you are having a lovely Easter weekend.

with warmest wishes

Ceri X

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