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FBFF - Curly Hair and Hair Care

Friday, May 27, 2011

I have been thinking about writing a post on hair care so when I saw this weeks FBFF topic, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk hair. Whilst I usually stick to talking about fashion on this blog, I think that hair is just as important aspect of how you look as the clothes that you wear. My hair has been pretty much the same style for all of my life, apart from a few slight variations. I has always been long and naturally curly but about ten years ago I started getting it slightly layered to make it look less full. I have also had it highlighted from time to time but have now stopped as it is a bit time consuming and expensive.  

1. How often do you get your hair cut? not often enough. I usually go three months between cuts just because I am badly organised and lacking in time.

2. Do you go to the same stylist each time, try someone new, go to the cheap hair cutting chains or live it up in a salon? I have a lady comes to my house, it is just easier as I don't have to arrange a babysitter for the children. I have in the past had some bad experiences with hairdressers so prefer to stick to what I know.

3. Do you color your hair? How often? What’s your natural color? I have my hair coloured almost the same colour as it really is (dark brown) is to cover up the grey hairs which seem to look really obvious in dark hair.

4. The one thing you always do to keep your hair looking great is: don't brush it. When I get up in the morning I don't usually do anything with my hair. As my hair is thick and curly, the biggest problem with it can be the frizz. If I brush it, the curls fall out and it just sticks straight out in a big frizz ball. To stop it getting tangles I comb it through with a wide toothed comb when I put conditioner in after washing it. I also gently comb it through once when I have put the styling products on it when it is still wet to separate the curls. I use three different products at the moment, the Aussie Luscious long spray and Tigi Ego boost. Then In between washes if it needs smoothing down a bit I use Umberto Gianni smoothing balm.

5. What hair trend do you love and wish you could rock? I quite like the red hair colour that everyone seems to have at the moment. I have also always fancied trying a really short crop but have never had the nerve.

How about you, how do you care for your hair and what hair style do you always wish you could try?

You can find all of the Fashion and Beauty Friend Friday posts at Modly Chic
With warmest wishes
Ceri X

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