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Festival Footwear

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I can't wait until the summer, I have actually managed to get some tickets for a festival. I have never been to a festival before. We will be camping with Roberta (our campervan). I have been putting quite a lot of though into what to wear to my first ever festival, with footwear being one of my major concerns. Obviously, my footwear will need to be comfortable, practical and suitable for whatever the weather throws at us. But I also want my shoes to look good too.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for hot, sunny and dry weather. In this situation, I think that a beautiful pair of neutral sandals will be the best option. In the interests of packing light, they will go with just about any outfit that I could wear from denim shorts to floral dress. I love these gladiator sandals by Ugg, they are the perfect balance of delicate and practical.

If the weather happens to be a bit changeable then boots are going to a safer option. I love the idea  of contrasting a feminine and floral dress with some chunky black for a very typical festival look. I love these boots by Ash.

Usually I wouldn't be seen dead in wellies, but if the weather is really wet, there is not really any alternative. There are plenty of alternatives to the traditional green wellies if you don't like this look. I love these red cowboy style Be Only boots designed by  Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.

Are you going to any festivals this summer? what will you be wearing on your feet?

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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