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Second Hand and Charity Shop Haul

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thrift    Everybody, Everywear

In the week I was feeling very stressed out (thankfully the issue causing the stress has now been resolved) but I decided to have a little browse around the local second hand and charities shops to make myself feel better plus try and find something in lime green, a colour I have been craving lately. I know shopping to make yourself feel better is not a great thing to do but on the plus side it was all second hand stuff. The town where I live has very little in the way of new clothes shops but does have a great selection of charity and second hand shops. Lucky for me I just happened to pass by a very nice little second hand shop that  has just opened that day and get myself 2 lovely dresses. 

One of the charity shops in town has had an amazing t shirt with an embroidered cat face on it in the window for about a week. I finally went in to buy it only to find that someone had been in just minutes before and asked for it to be put to one side while they went to get some cash. I could have kicked myself, lesson learnt, if you see something you want in a charity shop, buy it straight away or at least ask them to put it to one side while you get the cash! Any how I didn't do too badly even though I didn't find anything that I wanted in lime green, here is what I got. 

This dress was just £4!
and this was £8 - the answer to all of my summer floral print prayers

More floral prints, this top was £3.50, worn with an old denim skirt that I cut down myself

I also got a mustard yellow top, yellow and blue striped scarf and turquoise checked scarf that I haven't had a chance to wear yet but hope to feature in outfits soon.

I hope that you are having a good week.

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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