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Style Eyes Fashion Blog Goes Green

Monday, August 29, 2011

You might have noticed that Style Eyes Fashion Blog has had a bit of an overhaul. This is just a small part of my plans for the blog over the next few months, but after much thought and consideration I have decided that Style Eyes should go green. Actually the design of the blog will stay pink but the blog will be branded more as a sustainable, eco and ethical fashion blog. I don't really plan to change what I post about that much.It will still feature outfits including charity shop, vintage and ethical finds combined with some pieces from the high street, DIY and inspiration but I just want to spread the message that you can be fashionable and ethical and it doesn't have to cost loads of money.

Style Eyes Fashion Blog went green quite a while ago as I love fashion and blogging but found it difficult to justify to myself constantly posting about (and persuading others into) buying new things. You can read more about the transition in my post for IFB How to green your fashion blog. If you read regularly, you might notice that many of my clothes are charity shop, vintage, ethical and second hand, but I was a little scared of actually marketing myself as ethical, eco and sustainable for two reasons. Firstly I thought it might scare off some of my readers as they might have no interest in eco fashion  and secondly I thought I would be wrong to call myself a green/ ethical blog if I didn't post only about clothes or outfits that were completely eco friendly or from ethical brands.

I have decided to go for it now though as I would rather be upfront and honest with my readers that this blog is about fashion but in the most sustainable way possible. I am hoping that those who visit my blog regularly will continue to do so and enjoy my posts. I will sometimes feature items that are not second hand, vintage or from ethical brands, afterall I do my best but I am not perfect. But my overall shopping will always be about buying clothing that will last as opposed to fast and throwaway fashion. I hope for the blog to help and inspire people to make changes to the clothes they wear and the way they shop but by no means expect anyone to completely change to an entirely ethical and sustainable wardrobe.

So I would be really interested to know what you think? Would you be put off reading a fashion blog that is branded as green/ ethical? Do you think it is acceptible to write a green fashion blog when not all of my clothes are strictly speaking green?

What sort of posts are you most interested in reading?

Thanks in advance for your feedback

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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