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Costume worn by Taylor Kitsch as John Carter of Mars...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Disney's 2012 big screen imagining of Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars, Taylor Kitsch plays the titular hero displaced from Earth to the red planet for adventures with aliens and princesses alike.

Original costume worn by Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
Taylor Kitsch John Carter costume John Carter movie costumeJohn Carter Taylor Kitsch costume John Carter of Mars chest-plateJohn Carter film costume
Mayes C. Rubeo is Costume Designer on this sci-fi movie, although John Carter's loincloth and chest-plate outfit reminds me a bit of Jake Gyllenhaal's Prince of Persia costume (but maybe that's just the brown leather and sandy film location).
John Carter movie poster
Disney's John Carter movie poster
If you're a Taylor Kitsch fan, be sure to also check out his Tim Riggins American Football uniform from Friday Night Lights.

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