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Eco and Ethical Fashion Update

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I have been known in the past (on numerous  occasions) to moan about the lack of affordable eco and ethical fashion available particularly on the high street. I still hold this view bit was really pleased to discover a few months back from Laura at For those about to shop that Marks and Spencers were launching a new eco and ethical fashion range.

The collection named Indigo Green is kind of a bolt on to their main Indigo collection which features stylish casual clothing based around denim and jeans for this summer the collection has a real seventies vibe. I have always loved M&S and whilst there clothes aren't always really 'trendy', I think they are usually very good quality for the price and they also do a great range of petite clothes. I tend to buy a lot of my basics from the Limited Collection and Autograph range but I have always wondered why (and been slightly annoyed) that they don't offer more eco fashion. The new collection is definitely a step in the right direction, whilst it is only small, it contains some great wardrobe essentials for summer 2011 including flared jeans and a maxi dress.

As I decided that I needed a pair of flared jeans for the summer and haven't been able to find any other affordable ethical or eco options, I decided to give Indigo Green a try and I am really pleased with the result. They offer two different choices slim boot jeans made from Tencel and Fairtrade cotton kickflare jeans both in three different lengths and costing just £25! I couldn't believe the price, this range is definitely affordable and best of all they fitted perfectly, you can see the kickflare jeans in my outfit in the last post. Here is the maxi dress which I loved from the collection.

indigo green marks and spencers

Also, just a quick reminder that the next Vintage Fashion Fair is at Primrose Hill on Sunday. Vintage clothing is a great way to get a unique new outfit or accessories but is also really eco friendly. You can find more details on the website - Vintage London. There may be a few free tickets left which you can get from the website but hurry as they are going fast.

Have you spotted any other exciting eco or ethical collections. If so please share!

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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