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Style Eyes Weekly Fashion Round Up

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am warning you now, this is going to be rather a lengthy round up post. There seems to be so much that I wanted to say and have forgotton to say in the last few weeks so here it is.

First of all major apologies for the delay in announcing the winner of the DKNY Be Delicious perfume giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered the winner is Chrriss88.

You might have noticed (but most likely didn't) that I have added an Eco and Ethical Fashion Guide to the menu at the top of the blog. This is something that I have been wanting to do for some time and I thought it would be a good way to keep track of who sells what and share that with others who might be interested. It is very much a work in progress and I hope to add to it all the time making it bigger and better. My eventual hope is that it will eventually contain enough choice that I (and others) can buy anything and everything I need in terms of fashion and clothes from these retailers.

If you love second hand clothes and swapping, you might like to check out my clothes swapping website. It has had lots of new listings recently including a very lovely Maxmara dress and a Karen Millen dress.

I was really pleased to here that People Tree one of my favourite ethical retailers has just won the WGSN award for most sustainable brand. I think they really deserve it and the best new is that to celebrate they are offering 20% off until 14th November with the discount code PTWGSN. If you haven't already checked them out, you should as they have some very nice party dresses.

Whilst on the subject of party dresses, this week I have written a blog post Christmas party dresses 2010 - splurge or save?

The outfit pictured above is one that I wore the other day when I was working. It kind of evolved throughout the day as I got colder and added more layers.

Dress - Oasis
Top (under the dress) - a charity shop, then bleached to give it an orange pattern
Cable tights - Dorothy Perkins
Dress worn as a jacket - Something Else By Natalie Wood
Boots - Topshop

Hope you are having a great week, take care.

Ceri X

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