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The Ashley Hall Vintage Fashion And Textile Fair, Bath

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Sunday I took a trip to Bath with my mum and two children to visit the Vintage Fair at the assembly rooms in Bath. Anyone who has visited Bath will know what a stunning location this is with it's high ceilings and chandeliers. It is also right next door to the Fashion Museum which is another place I love and an amazing bookshop filled with books about guess what? Fashion. It is just such a perfect location for a vintage fashion fair.

It is the first time that I have been to a vintage fashion fair and I soon discovered that taking the children with me was a big mistake. In order to get the most from a vintage fashion fair or indeed any sort of vintage shopping, you need to have a really good look. A three year old who insists on being carried (I know I should put my foot down with her) and an eight year old who wants to go to Claire's Accessories to spend her money does not make this an easy task. However mum was at hand and a subtle suggestion that she might like to take the children to the cafe for coffee and biscuits while I had a look round did the trick (Mums are the best!). I was also coming down with a cold which made it a little difficult to make any decisions on buying anything.

I did see some great stuff including loads of lovely jewellery, a Louis Vuitton handbag and Ossie Clarke dress with Babara Hulanicki print (which I think may have been out of my price range). There were also some great hats. The fair had a real mix of items from really old stuff to the relatively modern pieces from fifties onwards which is what really interested me.

I was however in one of my indecisive moods and consequently came home with nothing. I did give my mum a suggestion for Christmas pressies - 2 scarves which she got for my Christmas (she is keeping them for me). I would definitely like to return again, perhaps the next fair on January 23rd when I don't have 2 children in tow or a cold!

Afterwards we went to Waga Mamas for lunch. Food was delicious unfortunately the service was appalling. My dinner was brought out first. We then had to wait about another 10 minutes for my mums and oldest daughters food and another 10 minutes for my youngest daughters food by which time she was inconsolable and my food was stone cold. They didn't bring the drinks until after the food. I won't be going back there again which is a shame because I really love the food.

Despite this, I had a lovely day and was a great chance to spend some time with my mum, who can shop like no other.

The next Ashley Hall Fair at the Assembly Rooms Bath is 23rd January, you can check out their website here.

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