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Style Eyes Weekly Fashion Round Up

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I have been feeling pretty Sh*t this week. I have the mother of all colds and apart from feeling bad with that I have had to miss 2 exercises classes which I really look forward to all week. I have been stuffing my face with vitamin c laden fruits in the hope that the cold will go away soon but so far no luck. I was suitably cheered up today though by not 1, not 2  but 3 parcels. I try not to buy too much stuff but I have had to relax this rule a little this month as I felt I did actually need a few things. More on what I got soon!

Despite not being well I have still managed to get through quite a bit of blogging. The highlight of my week has been the announcement of the Royal Wedding, I am so excited about seeing the dress and even better we get an extra bank holiday (although as I work for myself not sure why I am bothered). I have written a few posts on the subject including what fashion inspiration from the royal wedding for spring summer 2011 and a look at what Princess Kate might choose for the royal wedding dress.Is any one else planning their Royal Wedding party yet?

Also this week, I have written a post for Style Sampleon how Social Media is making fashion more accessible. Along the same lines of this post I have just spotted  another really interesting post on “curated” shops–a group of items selected according to a distinct style and point of view. It tells you how you can 'curate' your own collection. I love this idea, although not sure anyone would buy it if I did!

With all the hype and talk of the H & M and Lanvin collection, I haven't even had a chance to check it out yet. I have almost finished my Christmas shopping though which kind of feels more important to me at the moment. What did everyone think, is it worth dragging myself out in the cold and frosty weather to check it out?

The above outfit picture from last week is (I think) the first featuring my new coat which I eventually made up my mind on. It is a sort of duffle coat style by Maison Scotch made from a cashmere mix. I am really pleased with it. I decided that this year I wanted to invest in a nice coat that will hopfully last. I love the simple shape of this coat, the fact that it is not synthetic and the lovely details on it like the little metal button in the shape of a dandelion on one sleeve and a great lining with a star pattern on it.

I actually choose this Maison Scotch Duffle coat as one of my picks on the Shopping Forecast and you can see some of the details on the pictures on there (and if you like vote for it for the chance to win £200 of clothes). I am a big fan of duffle coats and have also just set up a new page on my website with my favourite duffle coats for the winter.

Hope you are having a good week and managing to stay cold free. To those in the US, a very happy Thanksgiving

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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