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Plans For 2011 - Better Late Than Never

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The term 'New Years Resolution' is not one that I like. Mostly I don't even manage to start my new years resolutions (procrastinating by telling myself I will start next week - once the Christmas choccies are finished) never mind make it until the end of January. For 2011 I have decided not to put needless pressure on myself so instead of new years resolutions, I am making plans which feel so much more positive. I love making plans and lists but it has taken a little while for me to take the step of getting my plans written in a blog post (an important step in making them happen!) due to my new year break and the huge mountain of work that I returned to. So before I manage to procrastinate any further here are my plans for myself and this blog for 2011.

Of course I plan to lose weight! who doesn't? I am not completely unhappy with how I look but I have put on some weight over the last year and losing it will mean that I can not only fit into all my clothes but also have a greater choice of clothes that will look good on me. It is also really important to me in terms of my health that I am not over weight.

I have never really dieted before in my life and I don't intend to start doing so now - not only do I believe weight loss from dieting to be unsustainable, I think many diets are really unhealthy and I do not want to encourage my 2 daughters to have this type of relationship  with food. Instead I will be going back to my exercise regime of 3 or 4 classes or gym sessions per week that I was doing before I came down with a cold back in November which then seemed to merge into a month of the most horrendous flu. I will also be slightly reducing the portions size of my meals, continuing to eat a varied diet with as few processed food as possible and trying not to snack.

I also plan to learn lots of new things. I love learning and apart from finishing the Diploma in Fashion Journalism that I am currently working on, I have applied for a University course in September. I am not going to say to much about it other than it is fashion related. Due to my circustances of having a family and business to run, I needed a flexible learning option and there was only one choice of course at one university that was suitable for my chosen subject, so I don't have a second choice, I really hope that I get a place but don't want to talk about it too much in case I don't!

Again on the learning curve of life, I plan to improve my photography skills not just for the outfit photos for this blog but also so that I can take amazing photographs of the places that we visit in our old VW camper van in the spring and summer. I have bought myself a book which I hope will teach  me about some of the more technical aspects of photography. At the moment I do little more than point and press. Any books/ recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Last year I made some 'resolutions'/ plans for this blog which I have started to put in place but have been slightly sidelined by the amount of work I have had going on. I hope that I can keep moving things forward (despite 2011 already looking to be a very busy year) and continue to improve my writing skills and promote ethical and eco fashion. Specifically, I would like to improve the look of the blog and post lots more outfit posts and more interesting and in depth posts.

Finally for 2011 I would like to make a little more time for myself and the things that I enjoy. That includes reading my favourite blogs and magazines and making/ customising clothes.

What are your plans and resolutions for 2011?

With warmest wishes


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