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New Year In Cornwall

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I have just arrived back from the most amazing 4 day new year break in Cornwall. We stayed at the Sands Resort in Porth near Newquay. Not only did I get the chance to relax and do nothing for 4 whole days there was also lots of childcare and activities included and evening entertainment giving me the chance to celebrate New Year for 4 whole evenings (I usually don't get out over New Year as it is so difficult to arrange a babysitter).

We arrived on Thursday and headed straight to the beach for breakfast and hot chocolate at the Beach Hut Cafe in Watergate Bay.Then proceeded four days of eating the most delicious food including Crab Mornay, Sea Bream on a bed of roasted squash, olives and pine nuts and Saffron bread and butter pudding, chilling out in the bar and chatting until the early hours with numerous bottles of Prosecco. We spent the day time sitting on the beach watching the surfers and waves roll in. Needless to say I am feeling very relaxed but definitely in need of a new year detox!

New Years Eve was suprisingly warm and we spent it at Watergate Bay one of my favourite places in the world.

In the evening we went to a gala buffet dinner followed by at Disco and at midnight watched some spectacular fireworks across the bay in Newquay from our room.I wore a dress that I recently bought in the sale at Oasis.

New Years Day, following an exhausting treasure hunt around Newquay, we had another fun evening with a general knowledge quiz (we came last!) I wore a dress that I bought a year or two ago from the Matthew Williamson collection at Debenhams.

This is the Sands Resort - an amazing Hotel and I would thoroughly recommend to anyone with children, I can't wait to go back. Everyone was so friendly and there was so much to do (or not do if you felt like it).

The view from the Sands Resort. I am wearing my coat by Maison Scotch and very warm tweed boots from Po-Zu.

On the last night I wore this dress from People Tree which was my Christmas Pressy from Mr Style Eyes.

Tommorrow I plan to jump into action with lots of plans for the New Year. How was your New Year and do you have any plans or resolutions?

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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