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Weekend Outfits - Ballerina Inspired and Double Scarves

Monday, January 31, 2011

I am pretty sure that Saturdays outfit although not intentionally or consciously was inspired by ballerinas, perhaps all the talk of black swan and ballerina inspired clothes in the shops. The mesh skirt on this dress has always reminded me of ballerinas and I also had my hair in a bun, although I am pretty sure that not ballerina ever pirouetted across the stage with a bun this messy and frizzy! Finally  wrapped my cropped cardigan over in a sort of ballerina style and pinned with a dragonfly brooch. If I had a pair of ballet pumps, I would have no doubt worn them too. Interesting to see Leia's Outfit on Leia's Delights also followed the ballerina theme (she makes a much more graceful ballerina than me!).

Sunday's outfit was intended to be comfy and relaxing but also bright and cheery. This is one of my favourite tops, bought from a charity shop for a few pounds, I just love the colour so much. One scarf on its own looked too boring so I put two together for that mish mash pattern effect. The cord leggings are from the ASOS sale and are not overly flattering as they go wrinkly at the knees but I couldn't resist wearing them as they are so warm. The finishing touch was my trusty tweed boots by Po-Zu, again incredibly warm and comfy.

Despite a fairly miserable start to the week, I was really cheered up to recieve an email informing me that I have been included in the Cision Top 10 UK Styling Blog Ranking. I was even more cheered up when I checked it out and found that I was number 2!  I don't know how they calculate the rankings as I am sure that there are plenty of better blogs than mine out there but it did bring a smile to my face never the less.

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