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Climate Week Outfit With Eco Shoes

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Despite managing to wear lots of climate friendly outfits this week, I have drastically failed to take many photos, probably because I have been suffering from a cold and didn't much feel like having my photograph taken. The amazing sunshine that we have had today has made me feel much better though.

Today's climate week outfit was a fairly simple combination of Fairtrade leggings, a charity shop top and a cotton jacket that has been in my wardrobe for years. My favourite part of this outfit is the shoes, not only because they are red but also they have beautiful nautical detail. They are also amazingly comfortable and handmade using vegetable tanned leather by artisans for the eco friendly Spanish shoe brand Pikolinos.

I sometimes think that if I were to only dress in eco friendly and ethical clothes all of the time, one of the most difficult parts would be the shoes. I do love my shoes and will have to admit that there is no where near as much choice of ethical shoes as there is conventional shoes making it difficult to make a complete switch. Shoes however do have an impact on the environment and sometimes also the health and wellbeing of the workers who make them. The tanning of the leather, the non biodegradable manmade materials which are made using energy hungry processes and the toxic effects of the glues used to stick the together are just a few of the issues. The great thing is though that eco and ethical shoes do tend to be incredibly comfy and well made making them perfect for every day wear. 

If you are looking for eco shoes Spartoo have a great selection including brands like Pikolinos, Birkenstock and El Naturalista including some just like mine in the sale.

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