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If You Want Bold, Bright and Beautiful Prints, Shop Fairtrade

Thursday, May 19, 2011

For a long time now, I have tried to be ethical with my shopping but , failed, to a degree for a number of reasons. The clothes were just too expensive for my budget and also many of them were just nothing special (specialness is a very important trait in clothes for me when shopping). The ethical clothing choices just didn't really give me what I wanted and needed for everyday wear at an affordable price.

I have tried my best to shop ethically but will have to admit it has been a bit of an uphill struggle. This summer something changed. I have been not only been discovering more and more ethical and eco fashion pieces that I really want to buy not just because they are ethical but because I love how they look. But I have also become more and more disillusioned by the clothing on the high street by its poor quality and uninspiring designs (not in every case but you have to admit, it is quite samey, polka dots anyone?).

Anyone who visits this blog regularly will realise that I have a love of bright and bold prints. I have searched for beautiful print dresses on the high street and have miserably failed this year. now suddenly I have realised where I was going wrong.

If you want great prints, shop Fairtrade. Whilst Fairtrade clothing doesn't always work for every trend or style, for bright, bold and amazing prints is a definitely a winner. This has to be the secret to ethical shopping, looking for unique and different pieces that captilise on local cultures and trades peoples skills.

Last week posted on my new maxi skirt by Gringo and whilst searching for more pieces by this label I found these lovelies (by a variety of Fairtrade labels) at ethical retailer Fashion Conscience . I am stunned!

Fair + true print skirt

african print skirt

fairtrade skirt

Lalesso shorts

Lalesso dress

gringo dress

Nomads Maxi dress

Nomads vintage floral dress

(just to let you know this post contans affiliate links)

What do you think of ethical clothing, do you manage to find pieces that you love?

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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