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FBFF - Blogging and Personal Style

Friday, June 24, 2011

This weeks Fashion and Beauty Friend Friday is about how blogging has affected my style.

This was partly fueled by a suggestion from Suz of MissVinylAhoy and partly by my own realization that I like some odd things since I started blogging – things I never would have looked twice at before.

Funnily enough I have written quite a detailed post on this subject which you can read here. But I have decided to also write a fresh post as life and style is constantly changing and I am fascinated by personal style and how .

1. Since you began blogging do you notice a change in the types of things you gravitate towards while shopping? yes I definitely buy more colourful clothes as these tend to look better in photographs. The photographs I take also highlight which styles of clothes suit me and don't suit me so hopefully I buy more of the styles and colours that suit me. Finally I have much more awareness of ethical fashion so try and buy it where ever possible. To fuel my constant desire for new outfits I have also developed a bit of a charity shop addiction.

2. Do you find, as a fashion blogger, that you dress differently from your family and friends? Do they comment on that? yes everyone knows I am obsessed with fashion so they often comment on my outfits which tend to be more colourful than most of my family and friends. Mr Style Eyes regularly comments on my bonkers outfits.

3. What’s the weirdest fashion that you secretly like, even if you aren’t bold enough to wear it? I love unusal head wear and hats but I don't often have a chance to wear them. I bought a great fascinator with a red leather swallow shape, I was going to wear it to a Burlesque night at Christmas but couldn't go because of the snow and haven't managed to wear it since. It isn't really the sort of thing that I would wear to pick the children up from school.

4. Looking at current trends – what would you like to try but need to build up the courage to do? There are not really any current trends that I would like to try but don't have the courage to. I am fairly adventurous with my choice of clothes and would try most things as long as they weren't too revealing or unflattering for my bodyshape (this rules out quite a bit). It generally tend not to buy those really way out trends anyway as they go out of fashion too quick, I like to buy clothes that I can keep and wear season after season.

5. Toot someone’s horn – what fashion blogger out there inspires you with her bold fashion choices?
I rarely read magazines anymore and get most of my inspiration from fashion bloggers. It would be impossible to name just one but I love Fashion Pearls of Wisdom for her amazing Vivienne Westwwod collection and vintage picks, Intrinsically Florrie for her beautiful florals, Franca at Oranges and Apples for her bold choices of colour and Annie Spandex for her creative DIY's.

You can read more posts on the subject over at Modly Chic.

So how about you, does fashion blogging affect your style?

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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