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First Girls Night Out In Ages

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dress - Vintage
Leggings - People Tree
Shoes - Dkode
Jacket - Gestuz
Bag - Dorothy Perkins

It is not that often I get to go on a girls night out. Saturday was my first girls night out in ages. As usual, after hours of thinking about what to wear, I just couldn't make up my mind and I ended up getting ready in a huge rush. What sort of thing do people wear for a girls night out at the local pub? I haven't been for so long so have not the slightest idea.

Anyway these pictures were taken very quickly, my friend text to say she was already there and getting the drinks in. I was out of the door like a shot.

I had a great night. I definitely feel like I should try and make time for girls nights out more often. How often do you go out with the girls?

If you're planning on having a night out with the girls, but haven't got any shoes to go with your outfit, then there is a great range to check out at the Very site. Visit www.very.co.uk to find out more information.

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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