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FBFF Manicure Party - Cherry Nails

Friday, August 12, 2011

I have been thinking about having a go at some nail art for some time now. I have seen so many amazing tutorials but I can rarely find the time to spend on my nails. When I do manage to make an effort which usually involves just painting them one colour for a rare big night out, I usually get sidetracked into doing something else before they are dry and they end up a splodgy mess. 

When I read about this weeks topic for FBFF, I decided it was high time I gave nail art a go. Ideally I would have liked to have tried Smurf nails like Katy Perry wore for the Smurfs premier and I found a great tutorial here. But as a complete novice to nail art I thought I would try something a little simpler. I like to keep my nails quite short and they are really small anyway so a complete work of art is likely to prove difficult.

Inspired the t shirt that I was wearing yesterday, another DIY project, I decided to have a go at cherry nails. At first I was just going to go a cherry on one nail, but that didn't look enough, so I did them all. I just used some of the many polishes that I had stashed in my drawer. All I did was file my nails, paint on two coats of a kind of nude colour, then two splodges of red and a green stalk (I didn't have any green so used a felt tip pen!) followed by a coat of clear.

Here is the end result. I didn't really think that by wearing a massive ring, the camera would focus on the ring rather than the nails, but it is probably for the best as they are a bit of splodgy mess. On reflection my first attempt at nail art wasn't a huge success. Perhaps a black nail pen to outline the cherries would have made them stand out and disguised the wiggly edges. A green nail pen or green polish and brush would definitely be an improvement on a felt tip pen for the cherry stalks. Perhaps something for the Christmas list.

I would love to know if you have any nail art tips?

You can see the rest of the FBFF manicure party links at Lifestyle of the Thrifty and Shameless. You can also find out more about the Fashion and Beauty Friends Friday group at Modly Chic.

With warmest wishes

Ceri X

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