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Christopher Lambert's Highlander costume on display...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Way back in 1986, a movie about long-lived immortals fighting to the death for centuries seemed like such an amazing premise and really captured your imagination. Flash forward to today and years of big screen sequels, TV spin-offs and even countless other genre television series employing the same premise, and it doesn't feel as special. But back in the day I thought Highlander was a pretty cool action-fantasy movie.
Highlander costume worn by Christopher Lambert as Connor Macleod
Christopher Lambert Highlander movie costume
Christopher Lambert Highlander movie costume
Christopher Lambert Highlander costume
Highlander movie costume
Christopher Lambert starred as 'Connor MacLeod' of the Clan MacLeod from the Scottish Highlands in the 1500's, hence part of his tartan kilt costume designed by James Acheson on display at the London Film Museum on May 15, 2012.

As the movie's tagline says, 'There can be only one', so he and his fellow undying warriors used swords to decapitate and kill off their competition for the ultimate prize.

And if you can forgive a Frenchman playing a Scot, then you can also forgive a Scot playing a Spaniard, as Sean Connery starred as fellow immortal, 'Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez'. Be sure to check out his samurai sword on display at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas.
Highlander movie poster
Highlander movie poster
Buy the movie: Highlander: Director's Cut [Blu-ray]
Watch the movie: Highlander

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