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Sci-fi and fantasy props at Planet Hollywood Las Vegas...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome to this first installment of movie props, costumes and memorabilia photographed on display at the Planet Hollywood Cafe in Las Vegas on April 7, 2011. For today I've decided to collect together all the fantastic sci-fi and fantasy props found around the movie-themed restaurant.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze head
Mr Freeze Arnold Schwarzenegger headArnold Schwarzenegger Mr Freeze head prop
First up it seems only fitting to have a trio of props from Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, considering he was one of the original celebrity backers who founded Planet Hollywood alongside Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Sylvester Stallone.

Batman & Robin movie poster
Batman and Robin movie poster
Here is his 'Mr. Freeze' head bust from 1997's critically mauled Batman & Robin. Apparently the prosthetic make up and costume for the frosty villain took six hours to apply each day.

Conan the Barbarian sword prop
Original Conan the Barbarian sword propConan the Barbarian sword prop
Next is Arnold Schwarzenegger's sword from 1982's Conan the Barbarian, the film that kick-started his blockbuster career.

If you're a fan, be sure to also check out this Wheel of Pain miniature model from the original Conan the Barbarian movie.

Conan the Barbarian movie poster
Conan the Barbarian movie posterThirdly, here's a futuristic prop from another of Arnie's movies that is currently being remade, Total Recall.

Electronic nose tool prop from Total Recall
Total Recall nose tool propTotal Recall electronic nose tool prop
In the 1990 movie he starred as 'Doug Quaid', a construction worker in 2084 who discovers he's actually a secret agent freedom fighter from Mars.

Total Recall movie poster
Total Recall movie poster
Next up is another sci-fi movie prop, this time courtesy of Disney's original 1982 Tron movie.
Jai Alai arm game prop from Tron
Tron Jai Alai game movie propTron Jai Alai game movie propTron Jai Alai arm game film prop
Jeff Bridges used this type of Jai Alai arm prop fighting in the gladiatorial games in the computerized mainframe world as the titular 'Tron'.

If you like this be sure to check out original costumes and props from Tron: Legacy, the 2011 sequel that took 28 years to make it to the big screen.

Tron movie poster
Tron movie posterIn Ridley Scott's 1985 movie, Legend (one of Tom Cruise's earlier movies), Tim Curry starred as the demonic 'Lord of Darkness'. This is a giant sword prop from the fantasy adventure movie.

Lord of Darkness sword prop from Legend
Legend Lord of Darkness sword propLegend Lord of Darkness sword

Legend movie poster
Legend movie poster
In John Carpenter's 1981 movie, Escape from New York (set in the futuristic 1997), the Big Apple is a massive maximum security prison and Kurt Russell's fugitive 'Snake Plissken' is given 24 hours to find the President who has crash landed on Manhattan Island.

Kurt Russell's Snake Plissken machine gun prop
from Escape from New York
Escape fro New York machine gun propSnake Plissken machine gun prop
This is Snake Plissken's machine gun prop from the sci-fi movie.

Escape from New York movie poster
Escape from New York movie poster
Next up are some creature effects, first from the 1990 comedy horror, Tremors.

Tremors worm creature head prop
Tremors worm creature propTremors worm creature head prop
In the movie Kevin Bacon and the natives of a small isolated Nevada town try and defend themselves against strange underground worm-like creatures that attack and kill them one by one.

Tremors movie poster
Tremors movie poster
Next up are two puppets used in the Gremlins movie sequel, The New Batch, from 1990.
Gremlin puppets from Gremlins 2
Gremlins 2 puppets
In this movie the reptilian critters wrecked havoc in the building of a media mogul in a much more comedic film than the original.

Gremlins 2: The New Batch movie poster
Gremlins 2 movie poster
Next was this squashed messenger prop from 1988's ghostly movie, Beetlejuice, which starred Michael Keaton as the titular eccentric character.

Flattened Messenger from Beetlejuice
Squashed messenger Beetlejuice movie prop

Beetlejuice movie poster
Beetlejuice movie poster
Planet Hollywood had lots of different weapon props to ogle over, from futuristic guns to ancient samurai swords.

Assault rifle from Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers assault rifle propStarship Troopers assault rifle film prop
They included this assault rifle used to kill giant insect aliens in 1997's sci-fi war movie, Starship Troopers.

Starship Troopers movie poster
Starship Troopers movie poster
Also on display was this raygun from 1984's sci-fi comedy, Ice Pirates, where water is a scarce commodity in the future.

Futuristic gun prop from The Ice Pirates
Ice Pirates movie gun propIce Pirates futuristic gun prop

The Ice Pirates movie poster
Ice Pirates movie posterIn the 1986 fantasy action movie Highlander, starring Christopher Lambert as a long lived Scottish swordsman 'Connor MacLeod', Sean Connery played a fellow immortal 'Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez'.

Sean Connery's samurai sword prop from Highlander
Highlander samurai sword movie propHighlander samurai sword hiltSean Connery Highlander samurai sword prop
Ramirez helps Connor adjust to life as an immortal when they meet in the 16th century and explains his katana was made by the Japanese swordsmith father of one of his wives.
Highlander movie poster
HIghlander movie poster
Finally for this collection of movie props, is the Joker playing card used by Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's 1989 movie, Batman.

Jack Nicholson's signature Joker playing card from Batman
Jack Nicholson's Joker card Batman propBatman Joker playing card prop
If you're a fan of the Caped Crusader, be sure to also check out Michael Keaton's Batman costume and Batmobile on display here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.
Batman movie poster
Batman poster
Who knew there was more to Vegas than gambling, strippers and hangovers.

Planet Hollywood Las Vegas
Planet Hollywood Las Vegas
Be sure to check back soon for even more cool movie memorabilia on display at the Planet Hollywood Cafe in Las Vegas.

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